Clinical Resources

Supporting Your Practice

Practical resources and diagnostic tools to support your clinical practice. Explore our range of resources below.

Peyronie's disease questionnaire (PDQ) scale

The Peyronie's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ) is a 15-question self-reported questionnaire that evaluates the severity and physical and psychosexual issues of Peyronie's disease (PD) symptoms in three scales.

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The distribution of testosterone: Where does TRT act in the body?

Where can male hypogonadal patients expect to observe benefits with testosterone replacement therapy?

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Testosterone gel guide

A guide to support patients who are beginning their TRT with testosterone gels.

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TRTed & TUF survey report

A deep dive into the TRTed & The Urology Foundation's survey results on men's perceptions on erectile dysfunction.

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What benefits may I observe with TRT, and when?

A reference guide on the benefits of testosterone treatment in patients with hypogonadism, and when patients may observe them.

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ADAM Questionnaire

The ADAM (Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males) questionnaire consists of 10 questions to help determine if a man suffers from low testosterone (androgen deficiency) and whether further testing and follow-ups are needed.

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Discussing ED and sexual health with patients

A guide to support healthcare professionals discuss Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Health issues with patients.

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IIEF Questionnaire

The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) is a multidimensional scale that can be used to evaluate ED. It addresses the most relevant aspects of male sexual function, such as erectile strength, orgasm, desire, satisfaction with intercourse, and overall satisfaction.

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Hypogonadism diagnosis toolkit

A resource for healthcare professionals containing guideline-recommendations for diagnosing hypogonadism in male patients.

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TRTed medication tracker

The TRTed Medication Tracker allows you to stay on top of your medication all year round. Simply print off (or download) the tracker and pin somewhere you pass by often, and tick off each day once you have taken your medication.

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AMS Questionnaire

The Aging Males' Symptoms questionnaire (AMS) is a widely used scale measuring health-related quality of life and symptoms in aging males. It's a self-administered questionnaire that will help you: 1) Assess symptoms of aging. 2) Evaluate the severity of your symptoms over time. Once completed, share your results with your doctor.

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